January Favorites

Off Duty / On Style

Welcome everyone to my “favorites series” on my blog! At the end of each month, I will be sharing my favorite products, trends or other random things that I have been loving. As a frequent YouTube beauty guru viewer, I have always loved favorites videos so I am excited to finally have an outlet to post my favorites! Here are the things that I have been loving for the month of January.

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A Playlist To Dream About

Off Duty

New York, New York: the city of dreams, the big apple, the cultural capital of the world, and my personal favorite, the city that never sleeps. No matter what you call it, everyone has specific ideas in their head about NYC. I was in love with the city before I even set foot there. Of course, I was afraid that my expectations might have been unrealistically high. However, once I was in the hustle and bustle, I knew that I was home. Since visiting the city, New York has taken over my walls (see the poster currently hanging in my room), literature selections and music playlists. If you also are dreaming of the big apple, check out my current favorite songs inspired by New York.

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Fashion Books That Conquer

Off Duty / On Style

I am one of those crazy people that likes to have a book in their hands. Not that I don’t use audiobooks or digital copies for their convenience, but if I can, I want to feel the pages between my fingers. One of my New Year’s promises I made to myself (since I don’t really like resolutions) was to read more. Therefore, I thought I would share a couple of my more recent favorites. These primarily revolve around fashion, but I still think many people could find value and help in these books. If you feel like you have been lacking inspiration lately, I highly recommend grabbing one of these four titles.

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Hi, I’m Kelsey Knepler. A born and raised Wisconsin native with a passion for fashion, beauty, and soaking up as much life as I can.

Currently, I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in Communication Arts and Theatre and Drama. I am also a Style Guru and Editorial intern for CollegeFashionista, brand ambassador for Intern Queen, fashion writer for Moda magazine at UW-Madison, and a staff writer for Her Campus-Wisconsin Chapter. When I’m not writing, I love to read magazines as well as online content as I scroll through my social media platforms. I also love getting out in the world and embrace as many opportunities as possible. I am always trying to get out of my comfort zone and you will rarely find me at home on a Friday night. Adventures are just around the corner, all you have to do is get them (or make them)!

Plenty of fashion and life inspiration ideas are to come, but for now, follow me on my social media platforms!

Instagram                                               Pinterest                                        Twitter

xx Always Stay Inspired xx